Navigating the Interplay of Breach Response and Breach Notification

The hours and days immediately following a cyber incident – especially a ransomware attack – are particularly challenging. Not only is a company struggling to assess damage and get back online, but it also might have only a very short time to notify multiple regulators. A recent Reed Smith program parsed the ever-evolving data breach and cyber incident reporting landscape and examined the challenges a company faces, and the potential solutions, in the immediate aftermath of an attack, using a hypothetical ransomware attack on a multinational company as a jumping-off point. The program featured counsel Catherine R. Castaldo and partners Howard Womersley Smith and Dr. Andreas Splittgerber. See our two-part series “Eleven Lessons From Cyber Hack That Forced an Australian Hedge Fund to Close”: Part One (Feb. 4, 2021); and Part Two (Feb. 11, 2021).

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