To promote confidence in Cayman-regulated financial institutions, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) recently introduced proposals designed to institute enhanced corporate governance reforms for CIMA-regulated financial institutions, including hedge funds. Of most importance for hedge funds, the rule proposals include rule amendments requiring professional directors to register with CIMA; all fund directors of CIMA-regulated entities to register with CIMA; the creation of a publicly-available database containing the names of CIMA-registered and CIMA-licensed entities and their directors; and the application of delineated governance standards that have historically been inapplicable to most CIMA-registered hedge funds. Such standards outline expectations concerning, among other things, director qualifications and responsibilities. This article summarizes the proposed rule amendments and links to the documents in which they are described. See also “Eight Corporate Governance Steps That Hedge Fund Managers Should Consider in Response to Concerns Expressed by Institutional Investors,” Hedge Fund Law Report, Vol. 4, No. 35 (Oct. 6, 2011).