Cyber resilience should be prioritized over incident response, CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero said in a June 20, 2023, speech. In her address at the Futures Industry Association’s International Derivatives Expo Conference, she discussed the current cyber threat landscape, noted that the CFTC is continuing its work on a cyber resilience rule proposal and outlined a five-element framework for achieving cyber resilience. This article discusses the key takeaways from her speech, with commentary from Gregory R. Gonzalez, partner at Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP. As is customary, Romero noted that the views she expressed were her own, not those of the CFTC, its other Commissioners or its staff. See “‘Risk to Resilience’: CFTC Commissioner Romero Discusses Climate and Cybercrime Risk” (May 25, 2023).