The return of Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko, in Oliver Stone’s sequel to his 1987 classic, Wall Street, is a cinematic event so highly anticipated in the financial community that it has occasioned the Hedge Fund Law Report’s inaugural movie review. The pre-release hype was inescapable; the business press has been all abuzz with nostalgia for the original. Testimonials from numerous Street denizens confirm that Stone’s moralizing vision, which meant to condemn Gekko’s amoral corporate raiding and greed-celebrating philosophy, inadvertently inspired a generation to direct its career path toward the trading floor in emulation of this extraordinarily seductive villain. Regretfully, it must be reported that anyone hoping to experience that old thrill again is bound to be somewhat disappointed with the sequel; but, that being said, it still merits close attention, as perhaps the first serious attempt by Hollywood to come to terms with the financial crisis of 2008.