What Hedge Fund Managers Need to Know About Information and Data Security

While hedge fund executives are experts at identifying and managing the risks relating to their financial assets and portfolios, they generally do not have the time or expertise to focus on the security of their people and intellectual property assets.  However, all organizations – especially financial institutions – must be prepared for the inherent risks and responsibilities associated with doing business in an online world through a sound digital risk management strategy.  The appropriate approach to digital risk management varies from firm to firm based on unique business models and requirements.  However, all hedge fund managers should take a risk-based approach to security and ensure that the approach is aligned with the way executives manage other business issues.  While physical security and information security present different challenges, they are strongly related, are part of internal controls and should be managed using an integrated strategy.  In a guest article, Edward Stroz, Co-President of Stroz Friedberg, a digital risk management and investigations firm, and Steven Garfinkel, Vice President of Stroz Friedberg’s Business Intelligence & Investigations Division – and both former FBI Special Agents – outline the most critical aspects involved in implementing a digital risk management program for hedge fund managers.

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