Many hedge funds established as Cayman Islands exempted limited partnerships expressly provide, in their partnership agreements, a fixed term for the duration of the exempted limited partnership or a termination date upon the occurrence of a specified event. The duration of the partnership term or the specific termination events are a matter of agreement between the partners, and such matters may, upon such terms as may be provided by the partnership agreement, be varied by agreement between the partners during the term of the exempted limited partnership. Hedge fund managers and general partners should carefully monitor a hedge fund’s termination dates or events because once expired, resurrecting the expired exempted limited partnership will be problematic. What if the fixed term expires by the lapse of time or the occurrence of a termination event and the partners nevertheless wish their hedge funds to continue operating? This situation may come about by oversight of the hedge fund manager or the partners in failing to heed the impending termination date or termination event or a change of heart by the hedge fund manager and the partners, after the termination date has passed or the termination event has occurred. Is it then open to the partners effectively to agree to resurrect and continue their expired limited partnership or must they, in any event, complete the winding up and dissolution of their exempted limited partnership and then form a new partnership with all the time, expense, inconvenience and negative tax and other consequences that this may entail? In a guest article, Christopher Russell and Oliver Payne, partner and associate, respectively, at Ogier, Cayman Islands, first discuss the Cayman Islands regulations that relate to limited duration exempted limited partnerships. The authors then highlight a potential course of action to extend the life of the exempted limited partnership where the partnership term has expired or a termination event has occurred.