Northern Trust, in collaboration with The Economist Intelligence Unit, recently took the pulse of alternative investment managers and other institutional investors regarding transparency and other investment considerations. The study – as discussed in the white paper summarizing its results – found that transparency is a top investment consideration, the importance of which has increased following the 2008 financial crisis. Northern Trust also considered how respondents gather and manage data and oversee their transparency requirements. This article summarizes the key findings from the study. For additional insights from Northern Trust, see “Don Muller and Joshua Satten of Northern Trust Hedge Fund Services Discuss the Impact of OTC Derivatives Reforms on Hedge Fund Managers” (Feb. 7, 2013). For more on transparency from a fund manager’s perspective, see “How Are Your Peers Responding to the Most Intrusive Requests From Hedge Fund Investors?”: Part One (Mar. 17, 2016); and Part Two (Mar. 31, 2016).