No single issue is more pressing than ensuring that the SEC is fully engaged in confronting the risks and opportunities that climate change as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) pose for investors, the financial system and the economy, stated Allison Herren Lee, Acting Chair of the SEC, in recent remarks. This article analyzes Lee’s speech, in which she reflected on the SEC’s focus on ESG during the time she has served as Acting Chair of the Commission and outlined the regulator’s plans in the area. For coverage of other statements by Lee, see “The New Marketing Rule: Key Elements and SEC Commissioner Concerns” (Mar. 4, 2021); “SEC Adopts Incremental Expansion of Accredited Investor Definition” (Sep. 17, 2020); and “The Accredited Investor Definition: Proposed Changes and SEC Commissioner Perspectives (Part One of Two)” (Feb. 13, 2020).