The digital assets landscape continues to rapidly evolve. A recent program at the ACA Spring Conference examined the evolution of investment vehicles for digital assets; digital asset fund structures; custody, tax and other regulatory concerns associated with digital asset funds; regulatory developments affecting broker-dealers involved in digital asset transactions; digital securities; private permission blockchains; and stablecoins. The program featured Stephanie Breslow, partner at Schulte Roth & Zabel; Rashad Kurbanov, CEO and co‑founder of iownit capital and markets, Inc.; Pat LaVecchia, CEO and co‑chairman of Oasis Pro Markets, LLC; and Anthony Perez, director at ACA Group. This article distills their insights. See “HFLR Cryptocurrency Webinar Examines Regulatory Developments, ICOs, Cryptocurrency Sweep, Custody and Other Compliance Issues” (May 3, 2018).