Debevoise & Plimpton has announced that Julie M. Riewe, former Co-Chief of the Asset Management Unit of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, will join the firm in March as a partner in its white collar and regulatory defense group. Riewe brings a broad range of experience in SEC and FINRA enforcement program areas, including FCPA, broker-dealer regulation, insider trading, financial reporting and securities registration issues. For insight from Riewe, see “Current and Former SEC, DOJ and NY State Attorney General Practitioners Discuss Regulatory and Enforcement Priorities” (Jan. 14, 2016); “SEC Settlement Highlights Circumstances in Which Hedge Fund Managers Must Disclose Conflicts of Interest” (Apr. 23, 2015); and “Conflicts Remain an Overarching Concern for the SEC’s Asset Management Unit” (Mar. 12, 2015). For commentary from Debevoise attorneys, see “Options Under the Volcker Rule for Bank Investment in Unaffiliated Private Equity and Hedge Funds” (Mar. 7, 2014); and “SEC Risk Alert Discusses When Social Media Interactions May Constitute Prohibited Hedge Fund Client Testimonials” (Apr. 5, 2012).