Stradley Ronon recently announced the opening of a Chicago office with the hiring of David P. Glatz and Alan P. Goldberg, both of whom join the firm as partners in the investment management group. In addition to the Chicago-based partners, Eric S. Purple and Nicole Trudeau have joined Stradley Ronon’s Washington, D.C., office as partners in the investment management group. For insight from firm practitioners, see “FRA Liquid Alts 2015 Conference Highlights ’40 Act Fund Structures and Regulatory Concerns with Alternative Mutual Funds (Part Two of Three)” (May 7, 2015); “Eight Important Regulatory and Operational Differences Between Managing Hedge Funds and Alternative Mutual Funds” (Nov. 20, 2014); and “How Can Hedge Fund Managers Use Advisory Committees to Manage Conflicts of Interest and Mitigate Operational Risks? (Part Two of Two)” (Apr. 25, 2013).