The Coronavirus Pandemic: Fund Managers Must Have Strong Business Continuity Plans

If fund managers ever doubted the need for robust business continuity plans (BCPs), those doubts have surely been laid to rest during the current coronavirus pandemic. Fund managers with bare-bones plans – or none at all – have been forced to address an increasing number of regulatory, investment, employment and other challenges on the fly, while those with well-designed, thoughtful plans are already prepared to handle those challenges. Although this global health crisis is ongoing, it is not too soon for ill-prepared fund managers to start thinking about creating effective BCPs – or too late for them to implement certain elements of those plans. Managers with existing BCPs can also benefit from assessing how well their plans are operating and whether any changes need to be made now to improve their plans’ effectiveness. In that spirit, this article comprises a list of key articles the Hedge Fund Law Report has compiled from its archives to help fund managers create and implement – as well as identify and resolve any gaps in their existing – BCPs.

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